July 7, 2006

Upcoming: The Supply and Demand of...

I've received some pretty good feedback from both of the mixes I've posted, so I will continue to put them together. As I mentioned when I released the last one, I will announce a theme ahead of time and give you, the audience, a chance to make some suggestions. I'm going out of town the week after this next week and will be enjoying a week without much for electronic devices, including the internet, so you'll be on your own for a week, but I will try to get the third installment of Supply and Demand out before then. So here's the theme...

The Supply and Demand of...Home.

So send in your ideas and suggestions for songs that revolve around the idea of home. Be as creative as you'd like, and we'll see how this one goes.

Send your ideas and suggestions via email to mkinmotion[at]gmail[dot]com. And I will work diligently to put it all together before I leave on the 16th. Also I don't know if you noticed the change in the anonymity policy here at MKinMotion.com, but I'm now posting as Matt (my actual name) instead of the more anonymous MKinMotion. Big step.

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