July 31, 2006

One of the Great Debates for Bloggers

As I've mentioned before, I read a lot of blogs. I use an RSS reader (SharpReader) and so new posts to blogs I've subscribed to come in like emails do in Outlook. Some blogs I subscribe to are friends, others are professional bloggers (or professionals that blog), still others are random blogs I've been referred to through other random blogs. The question I have is whether to post multiple posts in a day or limit myself to just one post a day? You might be scoffing at me because the frequency has taken a definate dive, but some of you might remember the daily entries. As my posts have trailed of over the last couple of weeks, as has my traffic. A dip in traffic can be a hard thing to stomach, but since I've been so slow and sporadic with my posts, I understand, I really do. When I first started this blog, my traffic consisted of lots of friends, colleagues and aquaintances in Anchorage, Portland, and some other friends and family spread around the country. When I started to post at least once a day for long stretches, the traffic went up; people would stumble onto here from all over the world finding me through Google, Yahoo, etc. Blogrolls have always been a good source of traffic too, I still get a good steady flow of people who get here through [Sch]Metzger and The Mad Fishicist. I try to pass traffic back whenever I notice a spike. I've learned that mentioning celebrities (Jenna Fischer is a big one these days), female sportscasters (Erin Andrews is my favorite sideline reporter of all-time [Sorry OJ] and people, have been flocking to my sports blog because I mentioned her name..oops there I go again, but you gotta admit she looked pretty amazing in the Red Sox jersey tonight.). But I digress, or maybe I have Erin Andrews on the brain. Back to my point.
For those of you who use an RSS reader of any kind, multiple posts is a good thing, but for those of you who may just have MKinMotion.com bookmarked, you might look at the top of the top story and not recognize that there might be 3 other new posts under it, but their lost in the few seconds I have to get your attention. Just think of the guy (or girl, I guess) who's looking for Erin Andrews and stumbles here...I've got even less time to catch his/her attention. I guess the moral of the story might be get yourself hooked into an RSS reader (which I hear is a standard feature on MS Vista or at least the next version of Office) or it could be that good content regardless of volume will be read, found and appreciated. Anyway, here's to getting back on the map of blogging, enjoy the ride.

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